Christopher Chapman ‘21
Measuring starlight in stacked Lyman-alpha emitters
Measuring starlight in stacked Lyman-alpha emitters
Galaxy morphologies from HST/WFC3
Stellar content in fluorescent Lyman-alpha emitters
Detecting starlight in stacked Lyman-alpha emitters
Lyman-alpha halos with image stacking and MCMC fitting
Quasar proximity effects on spectroscopic galaxy properties
Modeling spatial scattering of Lya halos
Estimating Nebular Properties of Galaxies through Photoionization Modeling
Modeling of stars, galaxies, and AGN at z=2-3
Comparing Rest-Optical methods for AGN identification at z=2-3
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in apj, 2010
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Recommended citation: Quinn {Minor}, Greg {Martinez}, James {Bullock}, Manoj {Kaplinghat}, Ryan {Trainor}, "Correcting Velocity Dispersions of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies for Binary Orbital Motion." apj, 2010.
Published in apj, 2012
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Recommended citation: Gwen {Rudie}, Charles {Steidel}, Ryan {Trainor}, Olivera {Rakic}, Milan {Bogosavljevi{\'c}}, Max {Pettini}, Naveen {Reddy}, Alice {Shapley}, Dawn {Erb}, David {Law}, "The Gaseous Environment of High-z Galaxies: Precision Measurements of Neutral Hydrogen in the Circumgalactic Medium of z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde 2-3 Galaxies in the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey." apj, 2012.
Published in apj, 2012
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Recommended citation: Ryan {Trainor}, Charles {Steidel}, "The Halo Masses and Galaxy Environments of Hyperluminous QSOs at z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde= 2.7 in the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey." apj, 2012.
Published in apjl, 2013
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Recommended citation: Ryan {Trainor}, Charles {Steidel}, "Constraints on Hyperluminous QSO Lifetimes via Fluorescent Lyensuremathalpha Emitters at Z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde= 2.7." apjl, 2013.
Published in apj, 2013
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Recommended citation: Kristin {Kulas}, Ian {McLean}, Alice {Shapley}, Charles {Steidel}, Nicholas {Konidaris}, Keith {Matthews}, Gregory {Mace}, Gwen {Rudie}, Ryan {Trainor}, Naveen {Reddy}, "The Mass-Metallicity Relation of a z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde 2 Protocluster with MOSFIRE." apj, 2013.
Published in apj, 2013
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Recommended citation: R. {Mostardi}, A. {Shapley}, D. {Nestor}, C. {Steidel}, N. {Reddy}, R. {Trainor}, "Narrowband Lyman-continuum Imaging of Galaxies at z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde 2.85." apj, 2013.
Published in apj, 2014
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Recommended citation: Charles {Steidel}, Gwen {Rudie}, Allison {Strom}, Max {Pettini}, Naveen {Reddy}, Alice {Shapley}, Ryan {Trainor}, Dawn {Erb}, Monica {Turner}, Nicholas {Konidaris}, Kristin {Kulas}, Gregory {Mace}, Keith {Matthews}, Ian {McLean}, "Strong Nebular Line Ratios in the Spectra of z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde 2-3 Star Forming Galaxies: First Results from KBSS-MOSFIRE." apj, 2014.
Published in apj, 2014
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Recommended citation: Dawn {Erb}, Charles {Steidel}, Ryan {Trainor}, Milan {Bogosavljevi{\'c}}, Alice {Shapley}, Daniel {Nestor}, Kristin {Kulas}, David {Law}, Allison {Strom}, Gwen {Rudie}, Naveen {Reddy}, Max {Pettini}, Nicholas {Konidaris}, Gregory {Mace}, Keith {Matthews}, Ian {McLean}, "The Lyensuremathalpha Properties of Faint Galaxies at z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde 2-3 with Systemic Redshifts and Velocity Dispersions from Keck-MOSFIRE." apj, 2014.
Published in apj, 2015
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Recommended citation: Ryan {Trainor}, Charles {Steidel}, Allison {Strom}, Gwen {Rudie}, "The Spectroscopic Properties of Lyensuremathalpha-Emitters at z ensuremathsim2.7: Escaping Gas and Photons from Faint Galaxies." apj, 2015.
Published in apj, 2015
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Recommended citation: R. {Mostardi}, A. {Shapley}, C. {Steidel}, R. {Trainor}, N. {Reddy}, B. {Siana}, "A High-Resolution Hubble Space Telescope Study of Apparent Lyman Continuum Leakers at zraisebox-0.5extextasciitilde3." apj, 2015.
Published in apjl, 2016
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Recommended citation: D. {Martin}, Mateusz {Matuszewski}, Patrick {Morrissey}, James {Neill}, Anna {Moore}, Charles {Steidel}, Ryan {Trainor}, "A Newly Forming Cold Flow Protogalactic Disk, a Signature of Cold Accretion from the Cosmic Web." apjl, 2016.
Published in apj, 2016
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Recommended citation: Charles {Steidel}, Allison {Strom}, Max {Pettini}, Gwen {Rudie}, Naveen {Reddy}, Ryan {Trainor}, "Reconciling the Stellar and Nebular Spectra of High-redshift Galaxies." apj, 2016.
Published in apj, 2016
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Recommended citation: Dawn {Erb}, Max {Pettini}, Charles {Steidel}, Allison {Strom}, Gwen {Rudie}, Ryan {Trainor}, Alice {Shapley}, Naveen {Reddy}, "A High Fraction of Lyensuremathalpha Emitters among Galaxies with Extreme Emission Line Ratios at z raisebox-0.5extextasciitilde2." apj, 2016.
Published in apj, 2016
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Recommended citation: Ryan {Trainor}, Allison {Strom}, Charles {Steidel}, Gwen {Rudie}, "The Rest-frame Optical Spectroscopic Properties of Lyalpha-emitters at Zraisebox-0.5extextasciitilde2.5: The Physical Origins of Strong Lyalpha Emission." apj, 2016.
Published in apj, 2017
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Recommended citation: Allison {Strom}, Charles {Steidel}, Gwen {Rudie}, Ryan {Trainor}, Max {Pettini}, Naveen {Reddy}, "Nebular Emission Line Ratios in z ≃ 2-3 Star-forming Galaxies with KBSS-MOSFIRE: Exploring the Impact of Ionization, Excitation, and Nitrogen-to-Oxygen Ratio." apj, 2017.
Published in apj, 2018
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Recommended citation: David {Law}, Charles {Steidel}, Yuguang {Chen}, Allison {Strom}, Gwen {Rudie}, Ryan {Trainor}, "Imaging Spectroscopy of Ionized Gaseous Nebulae around Optically Faint AGNs at Redshift z ensuremathsim 2." apj, 2018.
Published in apj, 2018
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Recommended citation: Allison {Strom}, Charles {Steidel}, Gwen {Rudie}, Ryan {Trainor}, Max {Pettini}, "Measuring the Physical Conditions in High-redshift Star-forming Galaxies: Insights from KBSS-MOSFIRE." apj, 2018.
Published in apj, 2018
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Recommended citation: Charles {Steidel}, Milan {Bogosavljevi{\'c}}, Alice {Shapley}, Naveen {Reddy}, Gwen {Rudie}, Max {Pettini}, Ryan {Trainor}, Allison {Strom}, "The Keck Lyman Continuum Spectroscopic Survey (KLCS): The Emergent Ionizing Spectrum of Galaxies at z ensuremathsim 3." apj, 2018.
Published in apj, 2019
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Recommended citation: Rachel {Theios}, Charles {Steidel}, Allison {Strom}, Gwen {Rudie}, Ryan {Trainor}, Naveen {Reddy}, "Dust Attenuation, Star Formation, and Metallicity in z ensuremathsim 2-3 Galaxies from KBSS-MOSFIRE." apj, 2019.
Published in mnras, 2019
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Recommended citation: Ryley {Hill}, Scott {Chapman}, Douglas {Scott}, Ian {Smail}, Charles {Steidel}, Melanie {Krips}, Arif {Babul}, Trystyn {Berg}, Frank {Bertoldi}, Yu {Gao}, Kevin {Lacaille}, Yuichi {Matsuda}, Colin {Ross}, Gwen {Rudie}, Ryan {Trainor}, "The SCUBA-2 web survey: I. Observations of CO(3-2) in hyper-luminous QSO field." mnras, 2019.
Published in Nature Astronomy, 2019
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Recommended citation: D. {Martin}, Donal {O'Sullivan}, Mateusz {Matuszewski}, Erika {Hamden}, Avishai {Dekel}, Sharon {Lapiner}, Patrick {Morrissey}, James {Neill}, Sebastiano {Cantalupo}, Jason {Prochaska}, Charles {Steidel}, Ryan {Trainor}, Anna {Moore}, Daniel {Ceverino}, Joel {Primack}, Luca {Rizzi}, "Multi-filament gas inflows fuelling young star-forming galaxies." Nature Astronomy, 2019.
Published in apj, 2019
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Recommended citation: Gwen {Rudie}, Charles {Steidel}, Max {Pettini}, Ryan {Trainor}, Allison {Strom}, Cameron {Hummels}, Naveen {Reddy}, Alice {Shapley}, "Column Density, Kinematics, and Thermal State of Metal-bearing Gas within the Virial Radius of z ensuremathsim 2 Star-forming Galaxies in the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey." apj, 2019.
Published in apj, 2019
Use Google Scholar for full citation
Recommended citation: Ryan {Trainor}, Allison {Strom}, Charles {Steidel}, Gwen {Rudie}, Yuguang {Chen}, Rachel {Theios}, "Predicting Lyensuremathalpha Emission from Galaxies via Empirical Markers of Production and Escape in the KBSS." apj, 2019.
Published in mnras, 2020
Use Google Scholar for full citation
Recommended citation: Yuguang {Chen}, Charles {Steidel}, Cameron {Hummels}, Gwen {Rudie}, Bili {Dong}, Ryan {Trainor}, Milan {Bogosavljevi{\'c}}, Dawn {Erb}, Max {Pettini}, Naveen {Reddy}, Alice {Shapley}, Allison {Strom}, Rachel {Theios}, Claude-Andr{\'e} {Faucher-Gigu{\`e}re}, Philip {Hopkins}, Du{\v{s}}an {Kere{\v{s}}}, "The Keck Baryonic Structure Survey: using foreground/background galaxy pairs to trace the structure and kinematics of circumgalactic neutral hydrogen at z 2." mnras, 2020.
Published in mnras, 2021
Use Google Scholar for full citation
Recommended citation: Yuguang {Chen}, Charles {Steidel}, Dawn {Erb}, David {Law}, Ryan {Trainor}, Naveen {Reddy}, Alice {Shapley}, Anthony {Pahl}, Allison {Strom}, Noah {Lamb}, Zhihui {Li}, Gwen {Rudie}, "The KBSS-KCWI survey: the connection between extended Ly ensuremathalpha haloes and galaxy azimuthal angle at z 2-3." mnras, 2021.
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This is a description of your conference proceedings talk, note the different field in type. You can put anything in this field.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, F20, F21
AST100 is an introductory astronomy course intended for students who are not majoring in physics or astronomy. This course presents an introduction to the contents of the Universe, the tools we use to study it, and the intersections of astronomy with social and political questions.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, F22, S23, F23, S24
AST101 is an introductory astronomy course intended for students who are not majoring in physics or astronomy. This course presents an introduction to the contents of the Universe, the tools we use to study it, and the intersections of astronomy with social and political questions.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, S18, S19, S20
This course presents a quantitative introduction to our Universe: topics include the interactions of planets and moons, the formation of stars and black holes, and the evolution of the Universe from a fiery Big Bang to the expansive and beautiful array of galaxies we see today. The goals of this course are to prepare prospective astrophysics majors for upper-division coursework in the major as well as the skills to participate in independent research projects.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, S22
Astronomy 332 provides an introduction to extragalactic astronomy and the nature of the Universe as a whole. We will discuss our own Milky Way Galaxy and its surroundings; the roles of stars, gas, supermassive black holes, and dark matter in shaping the properties of galaxies; and their evolution over time. Beyond galaxies, we will study the large-scale structure and contents of the Universe and its expansion from the Big Bang to today. Using the theoretical framework of General Relativity, we will see how the observed properties of the Universe allow us to constrain both its nascent properties and its future evolution. Throughout the course, we will also discuss the nature of astronomy and cosmology as scientific disciplines, including the way that social forces shape these disciplines and our understanding of the Universe.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, S18, F18, F20, F21, S22
This course provides a broad overview of the way objects move and interact in our physical world. We work extensively with Newtonian mechanics, including force equations, energy, momentum, and rotational motion, and we will introduce concepts of oscillatory motion including waves. In our lab sections, we experience practical examples of these ideas while also learning skills for data collection and analysis and experimental design.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, S19
Physics 112 is the second half of the introductory physics sequence. We will discuss electricity, magnetism, circuits, optics, and thermodynamics. These topics have a wide range of applications in modern physics, engineering, chemistry, and biology, so we will discuss these rela- tionships along the way! The lab section of the course will provide hands-on opportunities to explore the physics described in lecture, as well as training in data collection and analysis.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, S24
PHY 226 explores the many complexities of our world that can be described by classical physics. We will discuss topics that were swept under the rug in the introductory physics sequence: air resistance, damped springs, and physics in non-inertial reference frames like our rotating Earth. We will introduce new mathematical tools including cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, applications of differential equations, and the calculus of variations. In the lab portion of the course, we will explore the differences between discrete and analytic formulations of physical equations, and we will use computational methods to solve problems that are intractable by hand. Together, these new skills and methods will prepare you for more advanced physics and math courses and provide a window to the methods physicists use to describe our Universe with ever-increasing levels of accuracy and precision.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, S23, S24
In the computational physics lab for PHY226, we develop tools to solve physics and astrophysics problems with computers. Our class is be based on the Python programming language, but the basic methods we will be using can be applied in many other programming languages as well.
Undergrad course, Franklin & Marshall College, F17, F18, F19
Physics 333 provides a quantitative introduction to the physics of electromagnetism, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. Throughout this course, we will rely extensively on the tools of vector calculus to make mathematical calculations while also building a conceptual understanding of electromagnetic forces, fields, and potentials.